Embrace Your Power & Change Your Life

Transformative therapy for leaders, helpers, and healers

In-person in Tucson and
online throughout Arizona


You’ve always loved helping others.

It simply comes naturally to you.

The people in your life see you as giving, capable, and trustworthy.

You’re quick to see the good in others and rarely “give up” on people.

But lately, it’s taking a toll on you.

Unfortunately, you have fallen into a trap common to givers and high-achievers.

Too many people in your life are ready to take without giving equally in return.

You thought they would understand your limits, but you’re starting to realize they’ll keep taking until you have nothing left to give.

The exhaustion is mounting, and burnout is imminent.

Your passion for helping others has slowly been replaced by fatigue, lack of motivation, physical symptoms, and even resentment.

Sleep has become an impossible chore, and self-care has fallen by the wayside.

It’s clear that your well-being is in jeopardy, and you’re unsure where to turn.

You’ve arrived at a crossroads.

Left unchecked, burnout and compassion fatigue can devolve into poor health, depression, anxiety, and a host of other problems.

The dividing line between those who thrive and those who simply survive is the willingness to ask for help.

The time to act is now.


There is a way forward.

It’s possible to take off that mask of “expert,” “boss,” or
“caregiver” and recalibrate your priorities.

You deserve to experience relaxation, pleasure, fun, and
fulfillment just as much as the people you care for.

Therapy can help you rediscover the joy that’s been missing from your life.


Hi, I’m Aimy!

And I understand how hard it can be to ask for help when everyone sees you as the go-to person.

For the last 20 years, I’ve been coming to terms with my own gifts and struggles, and have tried just about everything, so you don’t have to.

Together, we’ll help you understand that an essential part of caring for others is first learning to care for yourself.

As you develop the ability to establish healthier boundaries and focus on self-care, you’ll find that burnout, exhaustion, and resentment will soon fade away.

It’s time to start on the road to living the peaceful, fully embodied life you deserve! Call me now.

More About me

You deserve to feel good.

Don’t wait another moment living anything less than the full and rewarding life you’ve always wanted.

Reach out now, and let’s take the next step on your healing journey together.